
Sunday, 26 January 2014

Harris Bipods Provide Stability To Firing A Weapon

Although the weaponry has developed to a very advanced stage but some weapons still hold their importance. Rifles and other light weapons are the holder of same prime importance in different usages; may a military combat or for sport. The modern rifle is far more accurate and shock proof against the back thrust of firing a bullet. It has better recoil system and stability in its moving parts. They move much smoother now and some of them so accurately designed that no jerk is ever felt while firing.   

While aiming, still the human factor is important and a manual grip still causes some vibration or some movement. It needs to be stable and still which only a static and stable support can provide. Hold against shoulder makes it a tripod. Harris Bipods are best designed for this purpose. They are so accurately made based on practical trials and behavior of the weapon. They take the thrust of the bullet while fired and do not affect the holding position of the weapon.   Harris Bipods are made in different designs; they are fixed for one static position where the accuracy of aim and firing needs a stable position. They are well made according to the height of a person in lying position.

Holding the weapon in on Harris Bipods relieve the stress on the arm while holding the weapon in one position and makes the other arm free for a better grip on the weapon.
Harris Bipods are not only for the fixed rigid position. They are articulated by a swivel action and allow the weapon to be moved while aiming a moving target.  The firer can conveniently move the weapon on the pivot provided on the bipod and does not need much effort on the part of the firer. They are versatile in design. They are adjustable in height and can be set at any convenient height by a set measurement like increasing the height by one inch with every adjustment.

 Harris Bipods are convenient to handle. They can be folded along side the weapon and while put in position, can be operated with spring action. They allow for vertical and horizontal movement with stability. They are a big support for a firer to hold and aim the weapon steady resulting in accurate firing. The legs can be opened as wide or narrow as the fire wishes to adjust the position to his convenience and the best position of firing with accuracy. Their legs can be folded close to each other and when released a powerful spring brings them to operating position. However their width can be controlled by scale fixed on bracket housing the hinges. They can be adjusted for height in two ways, by adjusting width of the legs and by extending the legs height individually. 

Harris Bipods are easy to fix and easy to remove; only a clip press action locks and unlocks them from the weapon.

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